SmashTunes displays the currently playing Music, iTunes or Spotify track in the menu bar of your Mac. You can customize which track information you want to display and how SmashTunes should shorten the information when you run out of screen real estate.

You can try SmashTunes for free! If you like it, it won't cost you the bank.

Control Apple Music & Spotify

Supports play, pause, next, previous, shuffle, repeat and a lot more functions, from the menu in the menu bar.

You can also assign keyboard shortcuts to all of these functions!

Keyboard control

Control Spotify and Music via hot keys aka keyboard shortcuts. All common features are customisable.

You can even love tracks with a simple keystroke, with minimal interruptions.

Love, Rate and Like

Rating and loving tracks is possible for Apple Music. You can choose to automatically rate a track when you love it, or vice versa.

You can also dislike you don't like or hate. There's an option to skip to the next track when you do so.

Liking of Spotify tracks is in development.

Widget with artwork

Display the track's artwork either in a floating window or as a widget.

When you click the widget, the playing app is activated.

Manage music

Apart from playing back Apple Music playlists, you can also add tracks to them. Or add tracks to your library. This can be done manually, or when you make them a favourite.

Scrobble to ListenBrainz

Some people like to keep track of their listening history on ListenBrainz. You can do so with SmashTunes!

ListeNBrainz is also a good way to discover new music, based on your listening history.


Play / Pause / Next / Previous / Select / Playlist control / Ratings

Play / Pause / Next / Previous

Display track info in menu bar check_circle check_circle
Hotkeys a.k.a. keyboard shortcuts check_circle check_circle
Rate tracks through the menu or by using hotkeys check_circle check_circle
Add tracks to playlists or library check_circle
Display artwork/ widget check_circle check_circle
Scrobble to ListenBrainz check_circle check_circle
SmashTunes App Store